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Radio Sonora 1120 AM

Radio Sonora 1120 AM
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Radio Sonora 1120 AM

Radio Sonora began operations on April 1, 1991 as the first radio station 100% native country. diffusing in 1120 Khz Width Modulation, quickly placed first at the public desire for traditional and regional music. With a wide coverage covering Panama Colon, Darien, Cocle, Los Santos and Herrera makes it to the homes of thousands of Panamanians. Radio Sonora are pioneers in spreading our folk music in Panama, in addition to musical and entertainment Radio Sonora have talk shows, current news, analysis and , agriculture, education and health. opinion We spread the different facets of the Panamanian folklore, tenths tamboritos, accordion and violin music, and other local events. Mainly on weekends and holidays carry live broadcasts of cantaderas tenths and typical Panamanian music. We have over 15 speakers, all have extensive experience in the world of radio and animation folkloric events, that gives us a very special feature. Welcome to Radio Sonora Welcome to enjoy our music and programming GreetingsRadio Sonora 1120 AM website address is
Land: Panama
Genre(s): Entertainment / Music / News
AAC: 192 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 44100
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Radio Sonora 1120 AM
Radio Sonora 1120 AM
Radio Sonora 1120 AM
Radio Sonora began operations on April 1, 1991 as the first radio station 100% native country. diffusing in 1120 Khz Width Modulation, quickly placed first at the public desire for traditional and regional music. With a wide coverage covering Panama Colon, Darien, Cocle, Los Santos and Herrera makes it to the homes of thousands of Panamanians. Radio Sonora are pioneers in spreading our folk music in Panama, in addition to musical and entertainment Radio Sonora have talk shows, current news, analysis and , agriculture, education and health. opinion We spread the different facets of the Panamanian folklore, tenths tamboritos, accordion and violin music, and other local events. Mainly on weekends and holidays carry live broadcasts of cantaderas tenths and typical Panamanian music. We have over 15 speakers, all have extensive experience in the world of radio and animation folkloric events, that gives us a very special feature. Welcome to Radio Sonora Welcome to enjoy our music and programming GreetingsRadio Sonora 1120 AM website address is
Land: Panama
Genre(s): Entertainment / Music / News
AAC: 192 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 44100
Weitere Radiosender
News, Pop, Rock

Omega Stereo

Talk, ,

Original Stereo 90.7 FM

Hits, Latin, Music

La Mega 98.3 FM

Country, European Music,

Panama Original AM

Various, ,

Blast Panama 103.1 FM

Various, ,

Radio Hola Panama

Pop, Top 40,

Radio ArcoirisFM

Various, ,

Radio Maxima Panama

Pop, Top 40,

Radio Mia Panama

Classic, Country, Hits

Radio Bautista de Panama

Classic, Country,

Panama Rock ‘N’ Roll Radio

Pop, Top 40,

Estereo Bahia

News, Talk,

W Radio Panama

Pop, Rock,

Radio Disney 94.3

Pop, Rock, Top 40

Tu Radio Urbana

European Music, ,

Radio ClubFitza

Rock, ,

Super Rock Hits

Rock, ,

Luvin Poker Radio

Rock, Top 40,

Radio 95XPR

Misc, Various,

CNTP Radio Panama

House, ,

Radio Sound Panama

Rock, Top 40,

Radio Line Music Stereo

Top 40, ,

TropiQ FM

Entertainment, Music, News

TVN Radio

Pop, Top 40,

Power 92.1 FM

Local Music, ,

Lasser 93.3 FM

Adult Contemporary, ,

Vision Global Radio

Mix, Music, Top

Antena 8 Panama

, ,

Hosanna Capital

, ,

Stereo Fe Radio

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AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 192000
AAC: 192 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 320 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 48000
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AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 192000
AAC: 192 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 320 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 48000
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